Monday 25 April 2016

Present continuos with Mr Bean !!!

I found it!!

And a bit more.

What are you doing now? 

Wednesday 6 April 2016

Learn English Through Story ★ Subtitles: London (Levels 1) (Factfiles)

If you have some time listen and read this book.
And above all Enjoy London !!!!

Let's go to the Theatre 2016

Next Thursday 7th we are going to the theatre!!! 
We are going to see .........

What is the story about? What do we know about the author?
Read the following PPT

Let's go to the theatre 2016 Pygmalion from teteg662

Watch the following scene ...

"The rain in Spain stays mainly in the plain" 

Enjoy yourselves and let me know your opinion!

Sunday 28 February 2016


Have a look at the rules!

Irregular nouns 

Solution to the exercises:

Plural Nouns
A)     Change each o f the following nouns below into plural nouns.
a.       Books
b.      Tables
c.       Days
d.      Cars
B)      Change each o f the following nouns below into plural nouns.
a.       Watches
b.      Foxes
c.       Glasses
d.      Quizzes
e.      Classes
f.        Busses
C)      Change each o f the following nouns below into plural nouns.
a.       Babies
b.      Bodies
c.       Monkeys
d.      Parties
e.      Dictionaries
f.        Cities
D)     Change each o f the following nouns below into plural nouns.
a.       Calves / calfs
b.      Hoofs/ hooves
c.       Elfs/ elves
d.      Dwarfs/ dwarves
e.      Thiefs / thieves
f.        Loafs / loaves
E)      Change each o f the following nouns below into plural nouns.
a.       Potatoes
b.      Geese
c.       Tomatoes
d.      House
e.      Cherries
f.        Meese
g.       Deer
h.      Oxen
i.         Mosquitoes
j.        Sheep
k.       Heroes
l.         boxes
F)      Change each o f the following nouns below into plural nouns.
a.       Paw is to cat as foot is to human.
b.      Key is to door as password is to computer.
c.       Girl is to boy as woman to man.

d.      Goose is to flock as dog is to pack. 

Monday 22 February 2016

Happy Birthday Maria.

Once more Maria has brought to our class some delicious "flowers" because it is her birthday.
So we want to wish you a happy birthday with this song:
Thank you Maria !

In this PowerPoint you can find more recipes !

Monday 15 February 2016

I like / I don't like

Do you like chocolate? 

I  like black chocolate but I don't like white chocolate.

Do you like chicken?
Yes, I do. I like chicken very much but I like rabbit a little. 

Does he like vegetables? 

No, he doesn't.

Does he like carrots? 
No, he doesn't.

Does he like brocholi? 
No, he doesn't.

Does he like green beans? 
No, he doesn't 


Does he like  fast food? 

Yes, he does.

Does he like chicken? 
Yes, he does.

Does he like pizza? 
Yes, he does.

Does he like hamburgers? 
Yes, he does.


Jenny: There's a new restaurant near my house. Do you want to go there? 

Tom: No, I don’t. At the moment, I’m eating an apple and a yoghurt. I am not hungry.

Jenny: Oh, I really want a hamburger and some chips. The restaurant has got very good food.

Tom: Fast food isn’t good for you. I can make you an egg sandwich or a salad.

Jenny: No, thank you. I don’t want any salad or sandwiches. I really want some fast food.