Sunday 28 February 2016


Have a look at the rules!

Irregular nouns 

Solution to the exercises:

Plural Nouns
A)     Change each o f the following nouns below into plural nouns.
a.       Books
b.      Tables
c.       Days
d.      Cars
B)      Change each o f the following nouns below into plural nouns.
a.       Watches
b.      Foxes
c.       Glasses
d.      Quizzes
e.      Classes
f.        Busses
C)      Change each o f the following nouns below into plural nouns.
a.       Babies
b.      Bodies
c.       Monkeys
d.      Parties
e.      Dictionaries
f.        Cities
D)     Change each o f the following nouns below into plural nouns.
a.       Calves / calfs
b.      Hoofs/ hooves
c.       Elfs/ elves
d.      Dwarfs/ dwarves
e.      Thiefs / thieves
f.        Loafs / loaves
E)      Change each o f the following nouns below into plural nouns.
a.       Potatoes
b.      Geese
c.       Tomatoes
d.      House
e.      Cherries
f.        Meese
g.       Deer
h.      Oxen
i.         Mosquitoes
j.        Sheep
k.       Heroes
l.         boxes
F)      Change each o f the following nouns below into plural nouns.
a.       Paw is to cat as foot is to human.
b.      Key is to door as password is to computer.
c.       Girl is to boy as woman to man.

d.      Goose is to flock as dog is to pack. 

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